院部/部门: 物理与光电·能源学部2138cn太阳集团古天乐
电子邮箱: chengh@suda.edu.cn
联系电话: 13770834375
办公地点: 能源与材料创新大楼225
1.Cheng Huang,Jie Xiao, Yuyan Shao, Jianming Zheng, Wendy D. Bennett, Dongping Lu, Laxmikant V. Saraf, Mark Engelhard, Liwen Ji, Jiguang Zhang, Xiaolin Li, Gordon L. Graff & Jun Liu, Manipulating surface reactions in lithium-sulphur batteries using hybrid anode structures,Nature Communications 5(3015): 1-7.
2.Cheng Huang, Bo Yuan, Fei Ye, Zhongfan Liu and Wei Huang, Minimum width carbonyl-rich graphene-like nanoribbons for high-rated capacity lithium energy storage, CN/PCT Patent CN201711071986.1.
3.Cheng Huang, Gaoqiang Niu and Wei Huang, Virtual crystalline film based perovskite solar cells with enhanced efficiency and stability, CN/PCT PatentCN106159088A.
4.Cheng Huang and Q.M. Zhang, High-dielectric-constant polymers as high-energy-density (HED) field effect actuator and capacitor materials. SPIE Smart Structures and Materials: Electroactive Polymers Actuators and Devices (EAPAD), 2004, 5385(1): 87-98.
5.Zhang, Shanshan; Yu, Yang; Wu, Jingen; Gao, Xiangyu; Huang, Cheng; Dong, Shuxiang, Enhanced piezoelectric performance of BiScO3-PbTiO3 ceramics modified by 0.03Pb(Sb1/2Nb1/2)O3, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 731: 1140-1145.
6.Q.M. Zhang, Hengfeng Li, Martin Poh, Feng Xia, Z.Y. Cheng, Haisheng Xu and Cheng Huang, An all-organic composite actuator material with a high dielectric constant,Nature2002,419 (1):284-287.
7.Cheng Huang, Howard E. Katz, and James E. West, Organic field-effect transistors and unipolar logic gates on charged electrets from spin-on organosilsesquioxane resin, Advanced Functional Materials 2007, 17(1):142-153.
8.Cheng Huang and Q.M. Zhang, Electroactive polymer (EAP) micromirrors and light-valve technology for MOEMS display and imaging systems, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials: Smart Electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS and Nanotechnology, 2004, 5389: 274-285.
2.协筹(北大)微纳机器人联合研究中心(NRC) 。
1.Cheng Huang, Q.M. Zhang, Guest Co-editors, MDPI Journal: Coatings, Special Issue: Electroactive Polymer Films, 2018.
2.Cheng Huang,Jie Xiao, Yuyan Shao, Jianming Zheng, Wendy D. Bennett, Dongping Lu, Laxmikant V. Saraf, Mark Engelhard, Liwen Ji, Jiguang Zhang, Xiaolin Li, Gordon L. Graff & Jun Liu, Manipulating surface reactions in lithium-sulphur batteries using hybrid anode structures,Nature Communications 5(3015): 1-7.
3.Cheng Huang, Bo Yuan, Fei Ye, Zhongfan Liu and Wei Huang, Minimum width carbonyl-rich graphene-like nanoribbons for high-rated capacity lithium energy storage, CN/PCT Patent CN201711071986.1.
4.Cheng Huang, Gaoqiang Niu and Wei Huang, Virtual crystalline film based perovskite solar cells with enhanced efficiency and stability, CN/PCT PatentCN106159088A.
5.Cheng Huang and Q.M. Zhang, High-dielectric-constant polymers as high-energy-density (HED) field effect actuator and capacitor materials. SPIE Smart Structures and Materials: Electroactive Polymers Actuators and Devices (EAPAD), 2004, 5385(1): 87-98.
6.Zhang, Shanshan; Yu, Yang; Wu, Jingen; Gao, Xiangyu; Huang, Cheng; Dong, Shuxiang, Enhanced piezoelectric performance of BiScO3-PbTiO3 ceramics modified by 0.03Pb(Sb1/2Nb1/2)O3, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 731: 1140-1145.
7.Zhang, Shanshan; Huang, Cheng; Huang Wei, The strategies for flexoelectricity-enhanced elasto-mechanoluminescent nanocomposites and self-powered flexo-phototronics, CN/PCT PatentCN201710481437.5.
8.Q.M. Zhang, Hengfeng Li, Martin Poh, Feng Xia, Z.Y. Cheng, Haisheng Xu and Cheng Huang, An all-organic composite actuator material with a high dielectric constant,Nature2002,419 (1):284-287.
9.Cheng Huang, Howard E. Katz, and James E. West, Organic field-effect transistors and unipolar logic gates on charged electrets from spin-on organosilsesquioxane resin, Advanced Functional Materials 2007, 17(1):142-153.
10.Cheng Huang and Q.M. Zhang, Electroactive polymer (EAP) micromirrors and light-valve technology for MOEMS display and imaging systems, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials: Smart Electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS and Nanotechnology, 2004, 5389: 274-285.
Dream, Design, Innovate
"Engineeringisaformofartand has filled the world with things ofobviousvisualbeauty but also with subtle forms." -Louis Brown
Engineering is about bringing creative visions to life, and coming up with answers that’ll bring about changes that willbetter the present & future of our society.
Engineering calls for innovation and a commitment towards creating solutions from which human beings can benefit.