
Novel Nanomaterials for High-Performance and Low-Cost Fuel Cells


报告题目:Novel Nanomaterials forHigh-Performance and Low-Cost Fuel Cells

报  告  人:Prof.ShuhuiSun

报告时间: 4月30日(星期四)上午10:00


报告摘要:H2/O2 fuel cells hold very promising potential in future mobileand stationary applications due to their high energy efficiency, high powerdensity, as well as low/zero emissions. Currently, Pt-based catalysts areusually used as the electrocatalysts in H2/O2 fuel cells, however, theirlimited availability and high cost (contribute over 50% of the total fuel cellcost) hinder the wide commercialization of this technology. We are working ontwo different approaches to solve this challenge: (i) the first strategy is touse nanotechnology

to significantly increase theactivity and durability of Pt-based catalysts through morphology and sizecontrol. We have developed several advanced techniques, such as green chemistryand atomic layer deposition (ALD), to fabricate a series of novelnanostructured Pt catalysts, such as nanowires (NWs), nanotubes (NTs), sub-nanoclusters,single atoms, etc. All these new types of catalysts exhibit much enhancedactivity (up to 10 times) and stability (up to 6 times) compared to thecommercially-used Pt/C nanoparticle catalysts. (ii) The second strategy is todevelop very cheap non-precious-metal-based electrocatalyst materials.

Related papers:

(1) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 422 (2011). (VIP+ Cover); (2) Adv. Mater., 20, 571 (2008); (3) Adv. Mater., 20, 3900 (2008). (4) ScientificReports, (2013), 3: 526. (5)Scientific Reports, (2014).4, 6439; (6) Chemistry-A European Journal, 16, 829 (2010). (Inside Cover); (7) Chem. Mater., 19, 6376 (2008);(8) Chem. Commun., 45, 7048 (2009).

报告人简介:Prof. Shuhui Sun joined INRS-EMT in 2012 (http://www.inrs.ca/english/about-us/overview-inrs).His current researchinterests focus on the development of multi-functional nanomaterials for energyconversion and storage, and environmentalapplications. His major expertise areas are the controlled synthesis of variousnanomaterials, including graphene, doped-graphene, carbon nanotubes, metal andmetal oxide nanostructures, and nanocomposites, as well as their applicationsin H2/O2 fuel cells, methanol fuel cells, formic acid fuel cells,supercapacitors, Li-ion battery, and waste water treatment. He has publishedover 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers (e.g., Angew, Chem. Int. Ed., AdvancedMaterials, Chemistry Materials, Scientific Reports,…), 3book chapters, and has delivered over 30 invited talks/seminars, and hold 2 USpatents. His entire publications have been cited for over 2500 times with anH-index of 28. He has received a series of prestigious academic awards, such asthe 1st Prize of Natural Science Award of Anhui Province, Quebec MeritFellowship, Alexander Graham Bell Canada Fellowship, ISE Travel Awardfor Young Electrochemists, Canada Governor General's Gold Medal, and CanadaFoundation for Innovation-Leaders Opportunity Fund Award. He is the member ofISE, ECS, CSC, CQMF, Plasma Quebec, UNESCO Chair onMATECSS, and Full Member of the Sigma Xi Society. He is the Guest editor ofElectrochimica Acta, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, and AppliedEnergy, the Review editor of Frontiers in Energy Storage, and the Editor boardmember of Journal of Nanotechnology, and ISRN Nanomaterials, the Vice Presidentof the Publication Division of The International Academy of ElectrochemicalEnergy Science (IAOEES).

Email:shuhui@emt.inrs.ca; Personal website: http://www.inrs.ca/shuhui-sun?f=english