
学术报告:Renewable Energy and Energy Conversion Devices


报告题目:RenewableEnergy and Energy Conversion Devices

报告人:Fude Liu, Ph.D.



Abstract:Renewable energy is the key to creating a clean energy future forthe world. Renewable energy technologies are supposed to change our energypattern dramatically. Energy conversion device play important roles inrealizing the big transition from non-renewables to renewables. In this talk,we first address the energy picture from a fresh and broad perspective. We thencheck different energy conversion paths from solar energy to electrical energy,and show a simple picture of energy conversion. Finally, we do the comparisonbetween different energy conversion cells, including solar, thermoelectric,electrochemical, and photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells by exploring the workingprinciples of each kind of these cells. It is shown that the working principlesbehind these cells are quite similar, following a simple energy conversionpicture. The big goal of this talk is to explore the big picture of energy, theclose connections between different energy conversion cells and the essencebehind.

Biography:Dr. F. Liu obtained his Ph.D. degree from North Carolina StateUniversity in Raleigh, North Carolina in May 2007. Right after his graduation,he worked for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado as apostdoctoral researcher before he joined The Department of MechanicalEngineering at The University of Hong Kong as an assistant professor in theFall of 2009. He was selected in the fifth batch of the "1000 TalentsProgram for Young Scholars" in 2013. His expertise is in renewable energy (in particular, solar energy),energy storage (fuel cells and batteries), novel materials, and solid statedevices (LEDs and transistors). His teaching areas include energy, materialsscience, and novel devices. He has 40 publications on prestigious journals suchas Advanced Materials, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, and AppliedPhysics Letters. He is also on the editorial boards of three internationaljournals and has served as a track organizer on solar photovoltaics for severalinternational conferences related to renewable energy. Liu is a member of manyprofessional societies including Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society,Materials Research Society (MRS), American Physical Society (APS), IEEE, andAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). His group web atHKU is: web.hku.hk/~fordliu.